Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Fourteen  ladies teed off on Saturday for the Captain v Vice Captain match.  Despite the starting date being so early in the year, we had a glorious day. The sun shone and some of us even played in short sleeves.
The Lady Captain, Moira Lumby's, team emerged the winners but Alison Knight our Vice Captain was not downhearted. She declared the day an outstanding success when she outdrove Moira twice. Photographic evidence is available on request!
Looking forward to our First Fling on Saturday.

King Jimmy Ladies Raring to Go
Moira & Alison shake hands before the fray.

Captain tees off

Vice Captain on the tee

Pat & Anne Avant le Golf

Moira & Sheena

Margaret & Donna

1 comment:

  1. Good day had by all - on and off the course - wine and tablet to give us energy before we started and a bag of fudge each on the way round, thanks to our bakers.
    Weren't we lucky with the weather - here's hoping its an omen for the rest of the season
